SAHO TERAO "My Favorite Children's Folk Song 2" CD
Singer-songwriter Saho Terao has unearthed and collected nursery rhymes and lullabies from all over Japan, and breathed new life into them with her own beautiful arrangements. This is the sequel to the hugely popular "My Favorite Nursery Rhymes"! The world of "forgotten" memories and beautiful songs created with musicians is back.
Since her debut in 2007, singer-songwriter Saho Terao has released numerous masterpieces and performed in concerts. While always at the forefront of her time, she has always been passionate about the people and events that live in this world. Now, they have gained strong support from listeners of all ages, both young and old, and from listeners across borders.
In March of this year, they released their first original album in three years, "Heading North," which was well-received for its songs that showed further development, and their next album has already been completed.
This work is a sequel to the highly popular "My Favorite Nursery Rhymes," which unearths nursery rhymes and lullabies from around the country, arranges them in a pure way, and presents them to the modern world. With his eyes, he unearths the raw stones of our ethnic heritage, sometimes delicately, sometimes boldly reconstructing them. With his dynamic piano and clear, dignified singing voice as the core, he and his friend Reizaburo Adachi (drums) The backing by Iga Wataru (bass) and various ethnic instruments by Utashima Masatomo and others add color, vividly bringing back memories of the beautiful, "forgotten" song.
■ Participating musicians
Participating musicians: Reizaburo Adachi (drums), Wataru Iga (bass), Masatomo Utashima (ethnic instruments), Utena Kobayashi (steel pan), Masahiko Todoroki (Igil), and others.
■Track list
- 1. 山口/山口のたこあげ唄歌「山の婆 山の婆」(山口市)
- 2. 兵庫/川西の守子歌「うちのこの子は」(川西市東畦野旭)
- 3. 北海道/アイヌの鬼遊び唄「タント シリ ピルカ(今日はお天気)」(胆振・登別市登別)
- 4. 福島/桧枝岐の守子歌「ねんねの子守は」(南会津郡桧枝岐村)
- 5. 山形/小国の子守唄「やんやん山形の」(西置賜郡小国町)
- 6. 沖縄/沖縄の寝させ唄「耳切り坊主」(島尻郡佐敷村屋比丘、中頭郡読谷村宇座)
- 7. 岐阜/本巣のてまり唄「鳥になりたや」(本巣郡根尾村平野)
- 8. 富山/成木責めの唄「なるかならんか」(射水郡大門町水戸田)
- 9. 岩手/遠野の寝させ唄「千福山」(遠野市)
- 10. 大阪/大阪のてまり唄「いちでよいのは」(大阪府内各地)
- 11. 東京/両国のてまり唄「向こう山に鳴く鳥は」(墨田区両国)
- 12. 広島/廿日市のてまり唄「ひいふうみいよう」(廿日市市)
- 13. 鳥取/鳥取の寝させ唄「ねんねんころりよ」(鳥取市赤子田町)
- 14. 宮城/石巻の寝させ唄「こけしぼっこ」(石巻市大瓜)
- 15. 山梨/労作唄「えぐえぐ節」(北巨摩郡駒城村)
- 16. 奄美/笠利の子守唄「なくないよ」(大島郡笠利町)