ALL THAT JAZZ『Ghibli Jazz Live』LP
Format: LP
Price: 3,980yen+tax
Release data: 2023/03/15
★First time completely limited production
★With obi
The "Ghibli Jazz" series, which has been a huge hit around the world through its recordings, is finally available on LP as a live album with all songs performed with live instruments!
As on the previous album, Yuriko Kuwahara of COSMiC HOME is featured on vocals, and the new arrangements featuring saxophone and violin by guest musicians are superb. This is a superb album that offers all the charm of Ghibli Jazz with the realism that only a live performance can provide.
■Track list
- 1. 君をのせて
- 2. 風の通り道
- 3. となりのトトロ
- 4. 海の見える街
- 5. 人生のメリーゴーランド
- 6. いつも何度でも
- 7. アシタカせっ記
- 8. もののけ姫
- 9. 風の谷のナウシカ
- 10. カントリーロード
- 1. いつも何度でも
- 3. アシタカせっ記
- 4. もののけ姫
- 5. 風の谷のナウシカ
- 6. カントリーロード